Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A pic out with some friends.

Random pic

Out with some friends at a bar. These are two of my good friends here, Francisco (Chile) and Tania (Mexico).

Another Halloween pic.

My halloween costume. The robe is actually from someone else.

Another party photo. This is from Halloween. Some of the girls at the party put eyeliner on some of the guys. That's why I look so strung out.

Here I am with some friends at a party about a month ago.

Here I am at the game. I bought a shirt and a big flag, gotta support my team. By winning this game, la U can make it to the playoffs. They still have to win a do-or-die one game playoff.

It was a victory for la U. Final score 1-0, against Antofagasta. Here the fans are celebrating.

Here we are at the game.

I went to a pro soccer game. This is the Estadio Nacional. I've become a fan of "la U" - Universidad de Chile. They have an awesome logo of an owl. They also incorporate a lion into some symbols. Their battle cry is "Dale Leon". Kind of like saying "get 'em lion".

Birthday party - I had a few friends over for my birthday. It was supposed to be a pool party, but that day it was colder than any other day in the past month. It was still fun. Oh, I turned 27, closer to 30 than 25. How depressing.

I recently began an internship with a law firm in Santiago. I work with a lawyer named Cristian who spends most mornings running around downtown Santiago running various errands. We passed through the Plaza de Armas and I thought I'd take a photo.

Plaza de Armas. This is in the center of Santiago.

Palacio of Tribunales. Here's where a number of appellate courts and the Supreme Court meet.

My house

I thought I'd post some pics of my house. The following posts try to imitate my walk up to my house. The property where I live is quite big, but there's two separate houses. As well as a small apartment. The house where I live is in the back of the property.

Here's the view from across the street.

Outside the driveway.

I'm looking down the driveway, past the big house on the property. In the far background you can see the edge of my house.

Here I am behind the big house, looking down toward where I live. You can see the house behind the trees.

Here's where I live. I live in the back, through the car doors on the left side of the house.

Monday, October 02, 2006


My school, Universidad de Los Andes, did an article about the exchange students. There's a picture of the group of us. They interviewed eached of us, but I don't think they quote my interview at all.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Ancud - cool building, this might be Puerto Montt.

Ancud - more penguins

Ancud - Ancud is on the northern edge of Chiloe. I actually didn't go there. My friends stayed in Chiloe one day more than I did. Here's some penguins they saw.

Castro - The Cathedral. This view is from the back.

Castro - this is "curanto". It's a typical dish of southern Chile. They have an interesting way of making it. I didn't see it made, but I think it's cooked over heated rocks.

Castro - Here we are at a restaurant along the water.

Castro - Here we are along the water in Castro. In Chiloe they have really good seafood and shellfish (pescados y mariscos).

Chonchi - more from the fonda.

Chonchi - another pic from the party, called a "fonda". We ate empanadas and drank beer. Pretty typical for a fonda. There was lots of dancing. There's a national dance of Chile, called the "cueca".

Chonchi - here's a party we went to in Chonchi. It was to celebrate a national holiday, kind of like July 4th in the USA.

Chiloe - this in Ancud or Puerto Montt, I'm not sure. But it's another pretty church.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Castro - out for dinner

Isla Lemuy - one of many pretty, all-wood, churches.

Isla Lemuy - scene from the beach Posted by Picasa

Chonchi - inside our cabin, Veronica and Christian Posted by Picasa

Chonchi - I like this picture of Chonchi, I also like that old man. He joked with us when he saw he was in our photo. Posted by Picasa

Here's the group on the ferry Posted by Picasa

Here we are in the boat that takes you to the Island of Chiloe. There's no bridge, everyone hops on a ferry. I know you like my hat. Posted by Picasa

Near Puerto Montt - this was out in the country near Puerto Montt. Posted by Picasa

Puerto Montt - PM isn't on the Island of Chiloe. It's a little ways north. This mountain in the background is awesome.  Posted by Picasa

Castro - The Castro cathedral Posted by Picasa

Castro - Castro is the capital of Chiloe. This is inside the Castro cathedral. It's all made of wood, absolutely beautiful. Posted by Picasa