Friday, September 29, 2006

Castro - out for dinner

Isla Lemuy - one of many pretty, all-wood, churches.

Isla Lemuy - scene from the beach Posted by Picasa

Chonchi - inside our cabin, Veronica and Christian Posted by Picasa

Chonchi - I like this picture of Chonchi, I also like that old man. He joked with us when he saw he was in our photo. Posted by Picasa

Here's the group on the ferry Posted by Picasa

Here we are in the boat that takes you to the Island of Chiloe. There's no bridge, everyone hops on a ferry. I know you like my hat. Posted by Picasa

Near Puerto Montt - this was out in the country near Puerto Montt. Posted by Picasa

Puerto Montt - PM isn't on the Island of Chiloe. It's a little ways north. This mountain in the background is awesome.  Posted by Picasa

Castro - The Castro cathedral Posted by Picasa

Castro - Castro is the capital of Chiloe. This is inside the Castro cathedral. It's all made of wood, absolutely beautiful. Posted by Picasa

Chonchi - pretty church Posted by Picasa

Chiloe - more scenery Posted by Picasa

Chiloe - I'm not sure where we were. This is some of our group. Posted by Picasa

Chiloe - more scenery. Posted by Picasa

Isla Lemuy - This is on an island near Chonchi. Chiloe is the big island on which Chonchi is located. This is a smaller island closeby.  Posted by Picasa

Chiloe - a colorful little church. Posted by Picasa

P N de Ch - another spot overlooking the water. Posted by Picasa

P N de Ch - Here's some farm land, with grazing cows and sheep (I think).  Posted by Picasa

P N de Ch - overlooking a lake, or maybe it's an inlet from the ocean, I'm not sure.  Posted by Picasa

P N de Ch - skipping rocks on a river. Posted by Picasa

P N de Ch - Here's a scene near the beach. That's the Pacific Ocean in the background.  Posted by Picasa

P N de Ch - another beautiful spot Posted by Picasa

P N de Ch - a beautiful scene in the park Posted by Picasa

Parque Nacional de Chiloe - Chiloe is famous for its beautiful scenery. This is a picture of me in ....well, I think it's a rainforest. It's in a cold climate (think Kentucky or Ohio) but I'm pretty sure it's considered a rainforest.  Posted by Picasa

Chonchi - Here's my group of friends. We were quite the UN delegation. One American, two Germans, two Frenchmen, one Mexican and one Austrian. Chonchi is down south in Chile, on the island of Chiloe. We were there for about 6 days. All the upcoming pictures are from that trip. Posted by Picasa